Solar Cooking News

Solar Cooking News

Villagers in Sri Lanka Learn to Solar Cook

Solar Cooker Review, November 2001 Sri Lanka is in many ways ripe for solar cooking. Much of the region receives a good amount of annual sunlight. A large percentage of the population lives in rural areas and uses… Read More

Cooking with the sun: Chilean village’s experiment with solar ovens offers alternative to widespread deforestation

by Casey Woods, San Francisco Chronicle, July 26, 2001 Note: This article is reprinted by permission of its author, Casey Woods. It originally ran in the San Francisco Chronicle on July 26, 2001, with the dateline Villaseca, Chile…. Read More

Rescuing the Sierra Gorda While Promoting Community and Human Development

Ashoka ( Pati Ruiz and a citizen effort spearheaded by the Sierra Gorda Ecology Group (Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda) have, through a long process of negotiation, created the one-million acre (383,567-hectare) Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve to protect Mexico’s… Read More

Solar cooking catches fire in Mexican nature reserve

by Louise Meyer Cooking by direct energy from the sun now has a secure foothold in Mexico. This is the result of a successful three-week training program by Solar Household Energy (SHE) Inc. in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere… Read More

A Solar Oven Made in Bolivia

La Paz newspaper, September 2001 (English Translation) A SOLAR OVEN MADE IN BOLIVIA "The Sunday market has become a useful stage to promote educational and informative programs. One of them is La Roca, a project of engineering services… Read More