Solar Cooking News

Solar Cooking News

Inter Press Service highlights program in Oaxaca, Mexico

The Inter Press Service News Agency recently spotlighted SHE’s program efforts in Oaxaca, Mexico where the presence of solar cooking is strengthening communities and providing safe alternatives to wood-fire and gas cooktop methods. To see the coverage produced… Read More

Mother’s Day With SHE

This Mother’s Day, please consider giving the gift of solar cooking to mothers like Eva, featured below, to free them of the burden of cooking with dirty fuels on inefficient stoves. Household air pollution from dirty cookstoves causes… Read More

SHE Members Interviewed By Emerald Planet TV

On April 7, SHE’s Executive Director Sophie Lyman and SHE Board member Margarita Battle were interviewed by Emerald Planet TV. The first segment (min 1-13) is an introduction to solar cooking. In Segment 2 (min 16-29), Margarita discusses… Read More

Lunda Vicente, Friend of SHE, Has Survived Typhoid Fever

With great relief, we announce that Congolese refugee Lunda Vicente, a great long-time friend of SHE and solar cooking champion, has survived typhoid fever contracted in the recent cyclone Idai and resulting floods. Lunda is trapped in extreme… Read More

Thanks to SHE, Lorena Harp’s Solar Cooker Business is Flourishing

Thanks to your contributions to SHE, Lorena Harp’s solar cooker social enterprise in Oaxaca, Mexico, is flourishing. Over 150 women are benefitting from the Haines solar cooker they purchased for $25, while reducing deforestation and climate change. One… Read More